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Wiley announces the first English-language manga-style graphic novel series for business and self-help


Wiley announces the first English-language manga-style graphic novel series for business and self-help

 All titles due to be published globally in April 2023, in paperback, priced £16.99/€18.80/US$22.00


Hoboken, NJ (November 16, 2022) - Wiley, one of the world’s largest publishers and a global leader in research and education, is pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the first English-language “manga” series covering business and self-development. “Manga” is the highly illustrated, emotionally compelling, Japanese graphic novel format that has captivated millions of English-language readers around the world.

Due to be published globally in April 2023, the series of six Manga For Success titles cover topics including: Managing Change; Marketing; Resilience, Confidence & Positive Thinking; The Psychology of Personal Growth and Better Relationships; Business Problem-Solving & Strategy; and Leading Meetings & Teams.

Originally published in Japanese by the JMA Management Center (JMAM), a leading Japanese publisher of business-oriented manga books, the titles combine highly visual manga stories with sophisticated explanations of the most important principles and concepts, and are primarily aimed at young career professionals looking for a fun way to learn the basics.

As with some other existing English-language manga titles from other publishers, the Wiley editions will be structured to match the Western way of reading – i.e ‘left to right’. Manuscripts were also carefully reviewed to make any necessary cultural adaptations, to ensure the stories resonate with a Western audience in the same way they would the original Japanese audience.

Richard Narramore, Executive Editor at Wiley said: “With current sales of manga books in the UK now bringing in over £25million* and in the US bringing in over $250million**, I am delighted that Wiley will be publishing the first English-language series covering business and personal development titles.

“We want our Manga For Success series to reach and appeal to existing manga fiction fans, but also new non-manga readers, and people who just want an enjoyable, different, and emotionally compelling way to learn about important topics and develop their skills.

“Similar to Wiley’s For Dummies brand of books, Manga For Success will make what could be considered intimidating topics easy and fun to understand. The format is highly approachable and readers will be able to quickly gain a grasp on difficult concepts from the detailed explanation of core concepts in the story.”


All titles will be available wherever books and ebooks are sold, April 2023, priced £16.99/€18.80/US$22.00


About the books:

Managing Change: Manga For Success – ISBN: 9781394176229

By Kazuhiko Nakamura

Chuji, a young business planner at a car company, is appointed as director to a troubled dealership. Chuji asks Nanako, who is an organization development specialist, how to directly communicate with his peers. He discovers deep-rooted issues and how he misunderstood certain situations. Together, the duo begin a series of discussions with peers, start changing some members' mindsets, and create a core change management team, which eventually leads to the troubled dealership becoming a team-centric organization.

Concepts and Theories:

  • Learn powerful techniques for overcoming old mindsets and resistance to change
  • The science of organization development can make it easier
  • Become a change agent, and create a core team for change


Marketing: Manga For Success – ISBN: 9781394176137

By Takashi Yasuda

Marimo, comes home mentally drained after being laid off from her job. Her father runs a Japanese candy business, facing a severe decline in customers and acquisition threat from a local competitor.

One night, Marimo dozes off in her bedroom. In her dream, she meets the mysterious duo of Rosie and Emo. From them, she learns how to rebuild her family's business through marketing, and starts to put it into practice, step by step.  

Concepts and Theories:

  • The fun way to learn the basics of marketing
  • All the important concepts you need to know including:
    • The 4 ‘P’s’ of Marketing
    • The Customer Journey
    • Analyzing Your Competitor’s Strengths and Weaknesses


Resilience, Confidence, & Positive Thinking: Manga For Success – ISBN: 9781394176106

By Koji Kuze

Reina recently started a new job at an advertising agency. Overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of new tasks and very harsh comments from her boss, her mental health starts to suffer. Unexpectedly, Reina runs into Tsuyoshi in the office, a friend from college who recently returned from an assignment in New York. Captivated with Tsuyoshi's strong self-esteem and confidence, Reina asks for his advice. To relive her mental fatigue, deviate from negative mindset, and rebuild her confidence, Tsuyoshi suggests resilience tips he adopted in New York. Following his advice, Reina addresses the roots of her negative mindset, begins to positively control her emotions, starts to turnaround relationships with her peers, and rebuild her confidence. 

Concepts and Theories:

  • Create a stress-resistant, strong mind and heart
  • Manage negative emotions and disappointments
  • Get the social support you need
  • Restore your self-confidence and use your strengths.


The Psychology of Personal Growth & Better Relationships: Manga For SuccessISBN: 9781394176076

By Toshinori Iwai

Yukari, a 28-year-old area manager of a candy chain, is frustrated that the store managers in her area are not following her instructions. She expresses her concern in her conversations with the store managers, but is countered by resistance, which leads to a decline in store sales. By chance, she meets the ghost of psychologist Alfred Adler, who gives her various advice and strategies. Based on Adlerian psychology, she turns around her side of the situation and changes the way she interacts with the store managers and her supervisor one by one. As a result, her communication with her managers improves, a relationship of trust is born, and Yukari's career begins to move forward smoothly.

Concepts and Theories:

  • Change your perspective and your life will be easier
  • Find the courage to have difficult, but important conversations
  • Get the support you need from others


Business Problem-Solving & Strategy: Manga For Success – ISBN: 9781394176168

By Takayuki Kitou & Keisuke Yamabe

The book follows a young business planning manager, who takes on the operations of her father's confectionery company. With help of her mentor, an ex-management consultant, the couple formulate a viable turn-around business plan, build trust among key stakeholders, and successfully convince the CEO of the need for companywide implementation.

Concepts and Theories:

  • Use ‘SWOT Analysis’, ‘5 Forces’ and other tools to understand your major challenges
  • Develop a strategy for any business situation
  • Make an action plan and execute it successfully


Leading Meetings & Teams: Manga For Success – ISBN: 9781394176199

By Masumi Tani

Shigeo, who works for a building material manufacturing company, is sent to a regional office to improve sales, but instead ends up being overrun by local workers. He tries to actively lead in the internal meetings but ends up ignored. Shigeo runs into Mayumi, a facilitation specialist, and with her advice, carefully learns facilitation skills. As a result, he slowly starts to win members' buy-ins, build team motivation, and successfully lead new business projects.

Concepts and Theories:

  • Learn basic facilitation skills to improve group performance
  • Get full participation, higher energy, and stronger buy-in from all the teams
  • Ask great questions that will draw out everyone’s opinion




Notes to editors:

* Neilsen BookScan Data 2021/22 - Translated fiction enjoys golden age as Manga surge boosts sector to record high - The Bookseller, May 13, 2022

**ICv2 Report: U.S. Manga Sales More than Doubled in 2021Anime News Network, February 28, 2022


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Wiley is one of the world’s largest publishers and a global leader in scientific research and career-connected education. Founded in 1807, Wiley enables discovery, powers education, and shapes workforces. Through its industry-leading content, digital platforms, and knowledge networks, the company delivers on its timeless mission to unlock human potential. Visit us at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.


For more information please contact:

Katy Smith, Publicity Manager, Wiley, (Mon-Wed), or

Amy Laudicano, Publicity Manager, Wiley,

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