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Study confirms the utility of screening to identify autism in toddlers born preterm


New research published in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology reveals that children born preterm are more likely to screen positive for autism than full-term children.

For the study, 9,725 toddlers were screened at 15-, 18-, or 24-month well child visits using a test called the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised.

Screening results that were positive for autism were most common among children born extremely preterm (51.35%) and least common among those born full-term (6.95%). Subsequent evaluations after positive screening revealed the following rates of autism diagnoses: 16.05% of extremely preterm, 2.00% of very preterm, 2.89% of moderately preterm, and 1.49% of full-term births.

Utilizing the screening test at ages unadjusted for early birth was effective for identifying autism, as only a small number of preterm children (1.90%) who screened positive with the test did not receive a diagnosis of autism or other developmental delay following evaluation.

"With this research, we are hoping to help dissipate doubts that clinicians might have about the utility of screening for autism in toddlers born preterm,” said corresponding author Georgina Perez Liz, MD, of the AJ Drexel Autism Institute. “Low-cost, universal public health strategies such as screening can lead to less disparity in autism detection and help children on the spectrum start specific intervention and supports earlier in life.”


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About the Journal
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (DMCN) is a multidisciplinary journal that has defined the fields of paediatric neurology and childhood-onset neurodisability for over 60 years. DMCN disseminates the latest clinical research results globally to enhance the care and improve the lives of disabled children and their families.

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