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New Wiley Partnership with M3 Digital Communications to Expand Reach of Medical Education Programs


Hoboken, NJ—Wiley (NYSE: WLY), one of the world’s largest publishers and a trusted leader in research and learning, continues to expand the reach of its medical education programs through a new partnership with M3 Digital Communications. This new partnership will enable Wiley's medical education programs to reach a larger target audience of Japanese medical professionals.

M3 Digital Communications is part of the M3 Group Japan, which operates, one of the largest dedicated healthcare professional sites in Japan, with over 90% of Japanese physicians registered. The company contributes to the medical industry through integrated digital marketing services, including live streaming, websites, video content, and social media.

As a result of this new partnership, Wiley and M3 Digital Communications will jointly create and distribute new medical content that meets the information needs of Japanese healthcare professionals.

The goal of Wiley’s medical education programs is to improve learning opportunities and drive better patient outcomes.

“We are very excited to be working together with M3 Digital Communications to deliver Wiley’s program, which will help provide medical professionals in Japan with access to information on the latest scientific outcomes, diseases, and treatments,” said Harriet Jeckells, group vice president and general manager, audience solutions. “Wiley’s medical education programs allow healthcare professionals to do their jobs better, and this partnership will substantially expand their reach across Japan.”

Wiley offers validated, authoritative medical education content—including webinars, e-learning modules, online educational hubs, and conference hubs—to help healthcare professionals build knowledge and stay up to date on the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment. This, in turn, can help them make more informed decisions in important and potentially life-saving clinical situations.


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Wiley (NYSE: WLY) is one of the world’s largest publishers and a trusted leader in research and learning. Our industry-leading content, services, platforms, and knowledge networks are tailored to meet the evolving needs of our customers and partners, including researchers, students, instructors, professionals, institutions, and corporations. We empower knowledge-seekers to transform today’s biggest obstacles into tomorrow’s brightest opportunities. For more than two centuries, Wiley has been delivering on its timeless mission to unlock human potential. Visit us at Follow us on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn and Instagram


Contact:  Ed Colby /



Hoboken, NJ - 世界最大級の出版社であり、研究と学習の信頼できるリーダーであるWileyNYSE: WLY)は、エムスリーデジタルコミュニケーションズとの新たな提携を通じて、医療教育プログラムの普及をさらに拡大します。






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